Programming and writing about it.

echo $RANDOM

Six Degrees of Separation

Just the other day, I was casually giving a somewhat silly, but true example of how the Six degrees of separation can be found true in the real world.

The Social Life of Routers is a story on how researchers are applying the same principles for routing Internet packets.

Python modules in the NetBeans 6.5 UC

You can now install the Python support for NetBeans from the NetBeans 6.5 Update Center provided you have the Beta UC added (which should exist by default)

Mercurial 1.1 on OpenSuse 11.1

To build Mercurial 1.1 on Unix, follow the instructions at

You might get a not found error regarding ‘Python.h’. So you will have to install the ‘python-devel’ package. On OpenSuse 11.1, you would do:

sudo zypper install python-devel